We Find Investment Talent
For more than 10 years and assisting on nearly $3 billion in mandates completed, Klitzberg Fund Solutions is focused on finding investment talent.
The mutual fund industry is dealing with many challenges including the growing market share of passive investment strategies, technology innovation like robo-advisors, changing regulations, and lagging performance over the past 10 years of a bull market.
The problem we have identified
There has been an ongoing debate for many years as to whether larger or smaller investment managers are better suited to manage institutional portfolios. Supporters of larger firms mention their reputations, proven history, and collective abilities to manage billions in assets. Advocates for smaller managers refer to entrepreneurial skills, independence, and flexibility. Boutiques assert that behemoths are too large and track their underlying indices too closely which leads to performance issues.
Historically, we have noted that fiduciaries of institutional investors and mutual funds have resisted hiring smaller managers because of the supposed “risks” inherent in such a decision. Reasons may include: smaller firms lack sufficient skilled staff to manage large mandates; our consultant has no knowledge of them; key man risk; and inability to manage multiple strategies. However, they rarely compare performance.
We have found academic studies and industry research that conclude smaller managers outperform larger managers and generally do so through bull markets and bear markets and across all market sectors. This leads to the question of how large institutions can obtain superior investment performance without the supposed positive attributes of boutique firms?
Klitzberg Fund Solutions believes the answer is to hire talented boutique managers, which is precisely the service and research capabilities we are providing. And we have been performing this valuable role for more than 10 years and have successfully assisted in nearly $3 billion in completed mandates.